Our Story
Panga Cliff is the highest subterranean outcropping in the islands and the mainland of West Estonia. Being Silurian Clint in structure, it gets started at the island of Gotland, Sweden, stretches across the bottom of the Baltic Sea, then cropping out from water on the western coast of the Saaremaa island, and reaching its peak at 21.2 meters.
When visiting this nature reserve, you can not only enjoy an alluring sunset, but also the tranquility of nature or the beautiful vista that opens up. And once there, you can do bird-watching or take beautiful nature shots if you have taken your camera. Also you may taste the crystal clear water from the water-spring to quench your thirst. And why not unwrap your potluck and have a picnic meal right in the midst of that calm and serenity.
No need to bother the least about losing your contact with the time – the Sundial made of the local dolomite shows you punctually the hour and minute of the day. If you are used to buying some mementos in the places you visit – you may find lots of them there, made of dolomite and of juniper wood.
‎If for decades the access to Panga cliff was a narrow and bumpy gravel road, now a proper access road and parking lot with a picnic area have been built to provide visitors with a perfect experience.